Collaborative Minds Blog

Education to empower your mental health journey.

How Do I Stop Being a Perfectionist?
Dalia Kushnir Dalia Kushnir

How Do I Stop Being a Perfectionist?

Striving to do your best is great—but are your high expectations keeping you from fully enjoying life? Keep reading to learn how to recognize harmful perfectionism and discover strategies to overcome its negative consequences.

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Fight, Flight, or Freeze: A Deep Dive into our Stress Responses
Shira Somerstein Shira Somerstein

Fight, Flight, or Freeze: A Deep Dive into our Stress Responses

Fight, flight, and freeze are three primary responses to perceived danger, each representing a different way our bodies and minds react to stress or threat. Keep reading to learn more about how identifying your typical stress response can help you to manage anxiety more effectively.

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You Graduated College and Moved Back in with your Parents: Now What?!
Sara Schreiber Sara Schreiber

You Graduated College and Moved Back in with your Parents: Now What?!

Graduating from college is a monumental achievement, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. But what happens when the next chapter starts with you moving back in with your parents? Keep reading to explore some strategies and tips for both young adults and their parents to navigate this new phase, making it a positive experience for everyone involved.

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My Teen Thinks They Have Autism–But Are They Right? 
Nicole Ivelevitch Nicole Ivelevitch

My Teen Thinks They Have Autism–But Are They Right? 

Social media plays a huge role in influencing trends, especially amongst adolescents. But there’s one trend in particular that has caught the attention of healthcare providers and researchers all over the country; it’s become increasingly popular for teens to “self-diagnose” mental health conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Keep reading to learn more about the signs and symptoms of ASD in teens, how to go about getting a formal diagnosis, and ways to support your teen’s needs.

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Common Holiday Stressors and How to Handle Them 
Nicole Ivelevitch Nicole Ivelevitch

Common Holiday Stressors and How to Handle Them 

While the time between Thanksgiving and New Years is known as the “most wonderful time of the year,” it can also be the most stressful; in fact, one study found that a staggering 88% of Americans feel more stressed while celebrating the holidays. Keep reading to find out what some of the most common holiday stressors are and tips for handling them this holiday season.

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Healing Trauma with EMDR Therapy 
Nicole Ivelevitch Nicole Ivelevitch

Healing Trauma with EMDR Therapy 

For individuals who have experienced trauma, it can feel like you’ll never be the same–and this isn’t totally inaccurate. Research has shown that exposure to traumatic events can actually cause physical changes in our brains that make it harder for us to tolerate and cope with stress. The good news is that there are treatments you can use to help heal from these traumatic experiences and their consequences, one of the most effective being Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Keep reading to learn more about this incredible intervention and whether it sounds like the right treatment for you.

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Back to School and Overwhelmed with Assignments? Steal My Hack to Help Get Organized 
Sara Schreiber Sara Schreiber

Back to School and Overwhelmed with Assignments? Steal My Hack to Help Get Organized 

I think everyone can agree that one of the most difficult parts about being a student is keeping track of everything for all of your classes; between homework assignments, projects, exams, and more, it can start to feel really overwhelming (Raise your hand if you’ve ever walked into a class and said, “Wait, that was due TODAY?” 🙋) This can be especially daunting if you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, or other executive functioning disorders. Keep reading to hear what I did to help get myself organized and ultimately set myself up for academic success.

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Are Your Kids Back at School? 5 Ways for Parents to Practice Self Care During Back to School
Sara Schreiber Sara Schreiber

Are Your Kids Back at School? 5 Ways for Parents to Practice Self Care During Back to School

Are Your Kids Back to School? 5 Ways to Practice Self Care for Parents

While a lot of parents secretly (or not-so-secretly) rejoice when their kids go back to school, many still struggle to prioritize their own needs. You might be juggling after school activities, appointments, housework, your own career, and a seemingly endless to-do list…but it’s important to carve out time for yourself in the midst of all the chaos. Keep reading for tips on how to incorporate self-care into your routine now that school has started.

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5 Unexpected Ways to Help the Back-To-School Transition for Teens&nbsp;</a>
Sara Schreiber Sara Schreiber

5 Unexpected Ways to Help the Back-To-School Transition for Teens 

5 Unexpected Ways to Help the Back-To-School Transition for Teens

Going back to school after having a summer off can feel like a really big deal to a lot of kids and teens—it’s kind of like starting a new chapter, and it’s natural for new things to make us feel a little anxious. Keep reading to learn about ways that you can help to set yourself up for happiness and success this school year.

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